Board of Directors

ABMRS Board of Directors is composed of the following members and representatives:

ABMRS Board of Directors

David W. Jordan Chair David W. Jordan, PhD, DABR, DABMP, DABSNM, MRSE (MRSC™), FACR, FAAPM Chief Medical Physicist, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center; Professor of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University; Chief Diagnostic Medical Physicist, VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System
David Altman Vice-Chair David Altman, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Neuroradiology Section Chief, Mecklenburg Radiology Associates, Charlotte, NC. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Kristan Harrington Treasurer/
Kristan Harrington, MBA, R.T. (R)(MR) MRSO(MRSC™) Kristan Harrington has been working in MRI since 1994. She was an Educator and National Clinical Education Manager for Philips Healthcare for 12 years. She held a Faculty appointment at Emory University School of Medicine leading the MRI B.S. Program. She was also adjunct faculty for Rush University in Chicago, IL. She speaks regularly at conferences on a variety of MRI topics with a focus on MRI Safety. She continues to work as a PRN MRI technologist. She is the owner of T2Star Radiology Solutions and enjoys completing risk mitigations at facilities to assist in creating a safer environment for all those entering the MR environment. She serves on the American Board of MR Safety and is the Chair of the MR Safety Officer Exam Specification Committee. She is also the current Secretary/Treasurer of the ABMRS.
Max Amurao   Max Amurao, Ph.D., MBA, DABR, MRSE (MRSC™), MRSO (MRSC™) Director of Radiation Safety at Washington University in St Louis, Medical Physicist
Trevor Andrews   Trevor Andrews, Ph.D., DABMP (MRI), MRSE (MRSC™) Associate Professor of Radiology at Washington University in St Louis. Currently active in clinical MRI physics. Former Clinical Scientist and Development Lead at Philips Healthcare. R&D experience with pulse sequence design, relaxometry, RF pulse design, RF shimming
Jennifer Armas   Jennifer Armas, B.S., RT (R)(MR) MRSO (MRSC™) MR Safety Officer & MRI Clinical Specialist with 25 years of experience with Advanced Siemens MRI equipment. Oversee multiple MR scanners and technologists, focusing on staff training, advanced imaging techniques, and standardizing safety protocols. Committed to advancing MRI technology and enhancing patient safety through innovation, education and professional development.
Marco Borri   Marco Borri, Ph.D., MIPEM, MRSE (MRSC™), IPEM certified MRSE General MR safety. Lead Clinical Scientist (MR Physics) and MR Safety Expert at King’s College Hospital, London, UK
    Geoff Charles-Edwards, Ph.D., MRSE (MRSC™) General MR safety. Consultant Clinical Scientist and Head of MRI Physics, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
    Joanna Leigh Coupens, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Musculoskeletal and general radiologist. Radiology and Imaging Specialists, Lakeland, FL.
Heidi Edmonson   Heidi Edmonson, Ph.D., DABR, MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™), FACR General MR safety, special expertise in MRI of patients with implanted devices/MRI pulse sequences and artifacts, accreditation expert (ACR and TJC). Medical physicist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Past Chair of the ABMRS.
William Faulkner   William Faulkner, B.S, R.T.(R)(MR)(CT), FSMRT, MRSO (MRSC™) MR Technologist, MR Education, and Operations Consultant. CEO, William Faulkner & Associates, LLC. Past Chair of the ABMRS.
Jeff Frimeth   Jeff Frimeth, M.Sc., MCCPM, CIIP, MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™), CDIP President & Chief Medical Physicist, JF Medical Physics Inc.
    Katherine Frederick-Dyer, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Abdominal radiologist and MRI Medical Director for Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Tobias Gilk   Tobias Gilk, MArch, MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™) Architect, MR Safety Expert, and MRI safety consultant. Sr. Vice President of RADIOLOGY-Planning and Founder of Gilk Radiology Consultants. Past Chair of the ABMRS.
Martin John Graves   Martin John Graves, PhD FIPEM MRCR(Hon) FISMRM FBIR MRSE (MRSC™) Professor of MR Physics at the University of Cambridge and Honorary Consultant Clinical Scientist at Cambridge University Hospitals. Expertise in MRI pulse sequence development, MR safety and MR education. General MR Safety and MR Conditional devices.
Michael N. Hoff   Michael N. Hoff, Ph.D, DABR, MRSO (MRSC™) Diagnostic medical/MRI physicist at the University of California San Francisco, specializing in MRI safety, artifacts, and quality assurance with a background in MRI physics research.
Mary Ellen Jafari   Mary Ellen Jafari, MS, DABR, MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™), FACR Chief Physicist and Regional Radiation Safety Officer, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region, Pasadena, CA. Expertise in general MR Safety, special expertise in implant safety, and ACR and TJC accreditation.
    Jeff Jahn, BAS, RT (R), (MR), (MRSO) (MRSC™) General MR Safety, VP Safety and Engineering, National MR Scientific Expert, Rayus Radiology, Minneapolis, MN.
Emanuel Kanal   Emanuel Kanal, MD, FACR, FISMRM, MRMD, (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™), AANG Professor of Radiology and Neuroradiology; Clinically active as a full time emergency neuroradiologist and Chief, Division of Emergency Radiology; experience and expertise in safety pertaining to magnetic resonance technology in both human clinical and research settings; additional expertise in MR contrast agent safety; expertise in radiologist/risk-benefit assessment; extensive experience and expertise in legal aspects of safety in MR environments; Director of Magnetic Resonance Services at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Past Chair and Founder of the ABMRS.
    Krystal M. Kirby, PhD, DABR, MRSE (MRSC™) Diagnostic/MRI Physicist at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Adjunct Associate Professor at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA, specializing in MR in radiation therapy, MR protocol optimization, and MR safety
    Vera Kimbrell, MEd RT MR, MR technologist General MR safety, clinical applications and education.
Kellye Mantooth   Kellye Mantooth, RT(R)(MR), MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™) General MR Safety with expertise in Clinical Applications & Reasoning. Manager, MRI Safety Training & Education for Metrasens.
Cormac McGrath   Cormac McGrath, Ph.D., MIPEM, MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™) Consultant Clinical Scientist, Head of the Non-Ionising Radiation Group for the Northern Ireland Regional Medical Physics Service, Past Chair of the MR-SIG for the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), UK.
    Mustafa H. Adil Mohamed,BSHP. R.T. (R) (MR) (MRSO) (MRSC™) MRI Assistant-supervisor Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN. Clinical Preceptor, Mayo Clinic MRI School, MR Safety officer.
    John A. Nyenhuis, Ph.D. General MR safety, special expertise in RF heating and gradient dB/dt safety issues. President of Bemcalc, Inc. and Professor Emeritus at Purdue University
    Laurie Oberholtzer, RT(R), MHA, MRSO(MRSC™), CRA Program Manager Radiology, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
    Jonathan Phillips, PhD MRSE (MRSC™) Jon leads the NHS-based MR Physics Group in Swansea, Wales, UK. The Group provides clinical scientific support to a number of organisations across Wales. He is a registered Clinical Scientist and a registered higher specialist scientist. Jon is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Swansea University and enjoys teaching and research.
    Mark Radon, MBChir, MRMD (MRSC™) Neuroradiologist, The Walton Centre, Liverpool, UK. Chair of MR Safety Working Party at the British Institute of Radiology
Mary Reaves    Mary Reaves, BS,RT(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO (MRSC™) MRI Education Manager/ MRI Safety Officer. I manage a team that is responsible for MRI quality and safety for a large organization including both Inpatient and outpatient facilities. (5 Hospitals and over 60 OP Imaging facilities).
    John Reyna, BS, RT(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO (MRSC™), MRSE (MRSC™), CPPS General MR safety, Medical Device MR Safety Specialist. MRI Technologist-MRI Educator, Expertise in advanced MRI Acute care, education, and operations, Certified Professional in Patient Safety
    Jeffrey Rogg, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) FACR Professor Emeritus Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Clinician Educator Alpert Medical School, Brown University
    Albert Roh, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Chair of Radiology, Alameda Health System
Kristin Seitz   Kristin Seitz, MSRS, RT(R)(MR)(CT), MRSO (MRSC™) General MR safety; MRI/CT Technologist, MR Safety Officer Ohio Health, Columbus Ohio Author, Content Reviewer and Directed Readings Technical Reviewer, ASRT Radiologic Technology journal
William F. Sensakovic   William F. Sensakovic Assoc. Prof. and Chair, Div. Diagnostic Medical Physics, Mayo Clinic (Arizona) Founder, Telerad Physics Teaching, LLC
    Joanna Leigh Shechtel, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Musculoskeletal radiologist and MRI Medical Director for Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, TN.
    Steven Sherry, MD, MRMD (MRSC™)  
    Lisa Singer, MD, Ph.D. Radiation Oncologist, University of California, San Francisco
Daniel Smock   Daniel Smock, BHS RT(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO (MRSC™) MRI Supervisor, Technologist, MR Safety Officer, Radiology Education Advisor at Children’s Mercy, Kansas City, MO.
    R. Jason Stafford, Ph.D., DABR, FAAPM Professor & Section of MR Physics Chief, Department of Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
    Michael Steckner, Ph.D., MBA, MRSE (MRSC™), MRSO (MRSC™) Co-convenor ISO/IEC JWG (TS10974), member IEC MT40 (IEC 60601-2-33), MRI Scientist
    Shane M. Stewart, R.T., (R)(MR)(CT) MRSO(MRSC™) Clinical Solutions Delivery Consultant at Philips
Wendy J. Stirnkorb   Wendy J. Stirnkorb, MBA, CRA, RT (R) (MR), MRSO (MRSC™) General MR Safety, Imaging leadership, Leadership development. Special expertise in Imaging Operations, LEAN Six Sigma, Revenue Cycle and technologist engagement. Imaging educator. Director of Imaging, Patient Access and HIM, Tri State Health, Clarkston, Washington. President, Founder and CEO of Stirnkorb Consulting, LLC, Clarkston, Washington
    Nancy Talbot, MAppSc, MRT (MR) (R) MRSO (MRSC™) MRI Manager University Health Network, MRI Supervisor Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Co-Chair MRI Safety Safety Committee Joint Department of Medical Imaging
Siegfried Trattnig   Siegfried Trattnig, MD, MRMD (MRSC™) Director of the MR Center of Excellence at the Medical University of Vienna, developer of Austrian MR safety standards; representative to the Intersocietal Committee/European Work Group on MR Safety.
Johan van den Brink   Johan van den Brink, PhD MR safety expert at Philips, Convenor of the MR safety standard IEC 60601-2-33
Rachel Watt   Rachel Watt, (MSc MRI), (BSc Radiography) Rachel obtained an MSc in MRI following studies at the University of Queensland. Upon her return to the UK, she has held MRI Lead radiographer posts in the NHS and private sectors, combined with lecturing at post graduate level and being a technical assessor for QSI. Rachel has been an active member of the BAMRR Policy Board, BIR MR SIG and MRAG for many years, being passionate about MRI safety, teaching and education and is currently working as a clinical MRI radiographer.
Robert Watson   Robert Watson, MD, PhD, FACR, MRMD (MRSC™) MRMD Mayo Clinic Radiology, Rochester MN. ACR MR Safety Committee (past Chair) Past Chair of the ABMRS
    James Webb Jr, RT(R)(MR), MRSO (MRSC™) Imaging Clinical Specialist-MR Safety Officer Rhode Island and Hasbro Children’s Hospital Providence, RI
    Dr Daniel Wilson, Ph.D. MRSE (MRSC™) General MR safety. Consultant clinical scientist and Head of MR Physics, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK.
    Bernd J. Wintersperger, MD, EBCR, FAHA, FISMRM, MRMD (MRSC™) Cardiovascular Radiologist, Director of Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Cardiac Imaging, MRMD, General MR Safety, Contrast Agents
Organizational Liaisons (Non-Voting)
Lori Ann Grubowski Burns   Lori Ann Grubowski Burns, RT(R) American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA) Delegate
Rebecca A. Quest   Rebecca A. Quest, MRSE (MRSC™) Consultant Clinical Scientist, Head of MR Physics and Lead MR Safety Expert at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London UK; Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK; Holder of the IPEM MRSE Certificate of Competence.