International – Exam Registration Fees:
MRSO (Magnetic Resonance Safety Officer) Exam |
$390 USD |
MRSE(Magnetic Resonance Safety Expert) Exam |
$390 USD |
MRMD(Magnetic Resonance Medical Director) Exam |
$390 USD |
Please be aware that as perhaps unique to other examination Boards with which you may be familiar, ALL members of the ABMRS Board of Directors have completely volunteered their time for these efforts, and receive no monetary compensation of any kind from any source for their efforts and time.
Please note that each examination content matter will be updated on an ongoing basis. Thus, the information that is incorporated on the test reflects that which the ABMRS believes is current as of the date on which the examination is administered, and should be part of the knowledge database and reasoning methodology appropriate to the MRMD, MRSO, and/or MRSE level being tested/evaluated. Thus, the questions for all ABMRS examinations will constantly change as they are rotated and updated, and no two ABMRS administered examinations will ever be precisely the same.
The MRMD, MRSO, and MRSE examinations are each administered at Prometric Testing Centers world wide. A government issued photographic identification with a signature (e.g., driver’s license, passport) will be required from each examinee. No cell phones, cameras, or audio, visual, or electronic recording equipment of any kind will be permitted into the examination room.
Those sitting for the international version of the ABMRS exam will at some point see the exam referred to with the addition of the letter “U” (e.g. MRSOU, MRSEU, MRMDU). This is necessary so Prometric can distinguish the international exam versions from the US exam versions when scheduling and subsequently delivering the exam to the candidate at the testing center. When awarded the credential, it will still be shown as “MRSO (MRSC™)”, “MRSE (MRSC™)” or “MRMD (MRSC™)”. Again, the addition of the letter “U” is referencing the exam version, not a different credential
are now available via Prometric Testing Centers
United Kingdom
Note: Upon completion of an exam you will immediately know if did or did not pass. You will receive a more detailed exam report by email within a few hours. On the report you will find feedback on your performance in each of the domains. If you did not pass your exam, the domain-specific feedback should be of help to you if you choose to retake the exam at a future date.
Credentialing exam eligibility
For each type of credentialing exam (MRSO, MRSE, or MRMD):
- ABMRS candidates are allowed three (3) attempts to pass the credentialing exam.
- A minimum of sixty (60) days are required between attempts.
- After 3 unsuccessful attempts, eligibility to sit for that particular exam must be requested directly from the ABMRS.
The mechanism for requesting eligibility is currently under development.
If candidates seek multiple credentials, exam attempts for one credential will not impact eligibility for the other credential. For example, if an individual has attempted the MRSE examination twice, that individual would still have three attempts to pass the MRSO examination.
Important Update: Registration for the International version of the MRMD ABMRS exam is currently unavailable. This exams will be open for registration in the near future. Please check back for announcements on when registration will begin.
The international exams do not contain any geographically-specific questions, in particular questions relating to to national guidelines or regulatory processes that do not apply globally
Click Here to Start the Registration Process International Only |
- Rescheduling an ABMRS exam can be done 30 days or more prior to the scheduled exam date at no charge.
- Rescheduling an exam 5 – 29 days before the scheduled exam date will result in a $35 rescheduling fee.
- Rescheduling an exam less than 5 days will result in forfeiture of the exam fee.
To reschedule an exam click on the link below:
- Candidates who cancel an ABMRS exam 30 days or more prior to the scheduled exam date are eligible for a full refund.
- Candidates who cancel an ABMRS exam 5 – 29 days prior to the scheduled exam date are eligible for a refund less a $35 (US) fee.
- Candidates who cancel an ABMRS exam less than 5 days before the scheduled exam date or fail to appear for a scheduled exam are not eligible for a refund.
- Candidates who present for an ABMRS exam more than 30 minutes after the scheduled start time will not be admitted for the exam and are not eligible for a refund
To cancel an exam click on the link below: